Pure 411 & Current Projects​

New ideas
The 411 in 2015
This page is for everyone to post your up to date projects what's going on in your company and what's going on in your life that is exciting...
You can also check this page out to keep up with the changes going on inside Pure Photography...
Latest projects
​Pure Photography January 2015
Pure Photography is currently working on a book/Documentary on people and their tattoos. What inspired their tattoos and what their tattoos mean. It will also ask artists what inspired them to start becoming a tattoo artist and what continues to drive them to succeed in their industry.
The project will be done as soon as all the models and artists needed to take the photos are rounded up and the writing and publishing finish. Look for it to be done by the summertime.

Our new Calendar app
Check out all thats happening on the calendar app. Click button below to check out the calendar.