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Pre Wedding/

Early Pregnancy Gallery

It's a chance to capture young love with a blessing soon on its way...
wrapped with a bow copy
the gift copy
standing on bench
open your eyes copy
lay with me copy
kissing shoulder 2
kiss the shoulder 1 copy
Hold my hand copy
hold me copy
fade to black copy
fade to black 2 copy
baby bump pic special black background
under cover.jpg
the threshold.jpg
sit a spell.jpg
romeo & juliet.jpg
rest my feet.jpg
reflection 1.jpg
open the next door.jpg
love you both.jpg
love you baby.jpg
love gaze.jpg
look into my eyes.jpg
look into my eyes 2.jpg
kiss under the tree.jpg
i promise.jpg
i promise 2.jpg
hold me close.jpg
hold close.jpg
Hi Baby.jpg
going to the chapel.jpg
getting a little shade.jpg
embrace on the balcony.jpg
deep in a gaze.jpg
deep gaze.jpg
deep gaze 2.jpg
come with me.jpg
check her out.jpg

©2015  Pure Photography


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